If you think your child has been poisoned, Don’t Delay! Call (01) 809 2166 (Daily 8am-10pm)
Your call will be answered by a Specialist in Poisons Information who will tell you if medical attention is needed.
Outside these hours, contact your GP or hospital. In case of emergency call 999 or 112
If a poison has been eaten
- Do Not make the person vomit.
- Never give salt water to the person.
- Do not give the person anything to eat or drink unless directed to do so by healthcare staff.
- Call the Poisons Centre for immediate advice.
If a poison has splashed into the eyes
- Wash the eyes out immediately.
- Continue washing for at least 15 minutes with water.
- Do not put anything onto the eye other than water.
- Call the Poisons Centre for immediate advice.
If a poison has splashed onto the skin
Immediate washing (decontamination) is essential.
- Avoid being contaminated yourself while giving first-aid.
- Remove any contaminated clothing.
- Wash the skin thoroughly with running tap water, for at least 15 minutes. Make sure the water drains away from the patient.
- DO NOT put anything onto the skin other than water.
- Call the Poisons Centre for immediate advice.
If a poison has been inhaled
DO NOT put yourself in danger. DO NOT enter a contaminated area without proper protective equipment.
- Remove the person to fresh air as soon as possible.
- Ensure the airway is clear.
- Call for medical assistance.
- Start artificial respiration if the patient is not breathing.
If the person needs to go to hospital try to bring the following items along
- The container that the poison was in.
- A sample of the plant that was involved in the poisoning incident, for example a branch with leaves, berries, flowers.
- If a mushroom was eaten, take the entire mushroom or any remaining parts to the hospital emergency department.